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Our Team

Our projects range from leading M&A programmes for Fortune Global 500 clients down to one-off events such as training sessions, with everything in-between.  These engagements are delivered by one of our permanent team of Partners, working with a team made up of our Associates and Strategic Partners.

We have built a global network of over 200 experienced M&A professionals, which collectively cover everything from the beginning to the end of the transaction lifecycle, and have specialisms across industry sectors, business areas and common downstream integration activities.  Working with such a breadth and depth of resources allows us to customise project teams for each client with the most suitable consultants available locally or regionally.

Because we do not have a permanent headcount, we are far more flexible in finding the right resources for each project, and our costs are lower than traditional consulting firms.  DD Consulting is based across the UK & USA, but our network of Associates and Strategic Partners is global, and we work collaboratively together to deliver cross-border engagements.


Danny M&A integration experience ranges from small to large deals, with recent deals including the pre-deal integration planning on a 50,000 person company purchasing a 25,000 person company, a $6bn global deal where he ran the European side across 30 countries, 250 business units, 26 functions through to a small private equity set of deals where he helped the CEO and management team for 12 weeks on a set of very small deals 200 people buying 25 and then 75 person companies. He is often brought in 6-12 months pre-deal to discuss M&A integration strategy, planning, capability, then runs alongside due diligence as deal lead for integration and delivers out the synergies.

Danny is a guest speaker at London Business School on M&A integration, was programme director of M&A at Henley business school, a Trustee on the Board of the Chartered Management Institute chairing the Marketing and Policy Committee.

He is author of the book “M&A integration: How to do it”


Bibhas has over 23 years of hands-on integration and transformation experience mainly in the financial services sector. He has worked with c-suite leaders in both in-house and management consultancy teams for Wealth and Asset Management clients to realise the business case outcomes from post-transition programmes of work.

Bibhas has worked on 20+ post-transition optimisation and cross-border technology and operational integrations. He had multi-million pound budget responsibility with teams involving 3rd party vendors from both merging entities. He has delivered Data initiatives to provide a holistic customer view to realise expected synergies to cross-sell, implement common compliance and risk approach with supporting process and technology, synchronise back-office operations and settlements workflows with intelligent automation amongst others.